It’s time once again to register for the W.O.W. ride.
W.O.W. 2014 raised over $88,000. Thanks to all of you who helped. Those funds have literally helped folks from eight to eighty. Fighting cancer is a tremendous battle; it taxes all our resources both financial and emotional. With your help, W.O.W. can help ease the financial burden of local cancer patients.
This event is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, our chosen sport of snow machining and to help those in our community who are fighting cancer.
This year’s event is scheduled for February 28, 2015. Your $100 entry fee will include a continental breakfast, goody bag, a limited edition t-shirt, lunch, and a chance to help your friends and neighbors. There will be prizes, good company, lots of fun and a chance to give back to your community. We hope to see you there.
All funds raised by the ride go directly to assist cancer patients. There are no administrative costs. These funds stay right here to help your friends, family and community members. The Central Peninsula Health Foundation will be administering funds; their office is located at Central Peninsula Hospital.
For information contact: Kathy Lopeman 283-7602, 398-4853. Email: [email protected].