None of us give to receive, and that is where the true power of generosity is experienced. Most of us see philanthropy — whether through our church, our schools, or local service organizations such as the CPH Foundation — as a one-way street and request nothing in return. However, it is by putting the needs of others before our own that put us in the position to do even more for those people and causes we care about. The more caring and sincere the gesture, whether monetary or simply a random act of kindness, the more healing and empowering it becomes for the giver. Nothing feels better than when we find our own interest, the cause that is closest to our hearts, and sacrifice something of ourselves to support it.
When you look around the halls of CPH, Heritage Place and Serenity House, you will see these sacrifices made all the time. We are drawn to help each other and the more we seek to do so, the more it expands through our organization and the people we serve.
Thank you for supporting Central Peninsula Health Foundation and our mission to support Central Peninsula Hospital. We have much to be thankful for living in this community and coming to work each day with a mission to care for our friends, families and neighbors.